udder photos from 1st & 2nd freshen. Has all the parts needed.
broke hand & dried off, so didn't get ideal pics further in lactation.
Sire: Roamn Ranch ND Moonheart *B
-Sire's Sire: Old Mountain Farm No Diggity *B
-Sire's Dam: Olson Acres Irr Cherise 3*M
Dam: Roman Ranch AQ Rorrie 1*M EEEE91
-Dam's Sire: Old Mountain Farm No Diggity *B
-Dam's Dam: Dill's BJ Diamond
Scroll down for photos of:
immediate supportive relatives & achievements in performance.
Junior Doe:
To be added.
Senior Doe:
To be added.
LAyear: | Age | height: | G.a. | dairy strength | body capacity | score: |
-- | - | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a |
Horn status: Disbudded
Eye color: Brown
Color: Solid Black with white poll.
Height: n/a
LA: 20xx: FS (___)
Breeding History:
April 2023: Single - Buckling (Sire: Old Province IB Astaire)
January 2024: Twins - 2 Does (Sire: Old Province IB Astaire)
2025: ?? (Sire: CUAtLilRedBarn Corixid*B)